Thursday 20 March 2014

Spinach cheese parcel

spinach cheese parcel
Spinach cheese parcel Ideal for kitty party.

Blanched spinach                     1 cup
Refined flour                             1 cup
Finely chopped garlic                ½ tsp
Finely chopped onion                2 tbsp
Cheese                                    2 tbsp
Black pepper                            to taste
Salt                                         to taste
Butter                                      1 tbsp
Oil                                           to fry

First make dough with refined flour, salt and required water then keep it aside.
Melt butter in a pan, add garlic and onion and sauté till light pink.
Chop the blanched spinach.
chop blanched spinach
Then add it to pan, add salt and cook until dry. Let it cold.
cook spinach
In the mean time make small balls from dough and roll them with refined flour in flat round.
Then take them together and cut from four sides.
cut from four sides
They will become square sheet.
square sheets 
Now add grated cheese into prepared cold spinach and mix well.
add grated cheese
Put the spinach at center of each sheet and put mixture of refined flour and water mixture at sides.
put filling and add refined flour mixture at sides
Now join the opposite corners and make them like parcel.
make parcel
Then deep fry in hot oil till light brown and remove on tissue paper.
fried spinach cheese parcel 
Serve with ketchup.

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