Monday, 31 March 2014

Ananas ka muzaffar

ananas ka muzaffar

A popular hyderabadi dessert, Basmati rice and pineapple juice are the main ingredients for ananas ka muzaffar. Sugar syrup and chopped pineapple are also used to prepare the dish. Cardamom and cloves are used as flavorings. Traditionally, saffron is used to enhance the color of the dish and ghee is used to finish the dish.

Basmati rice                              1 bowl
Sugar syrup                               100 ml
Saffron                                       ½ tsp
Pineapple chopped                     2 tbsp
Cloves                                       4 – 5
Green cardamom                        5 – 6
Pineapple essence                     2 – 3 drops
Lemon                                       1
Ghee                                         2 tsp

First soak saffron in water.
Boil water in a deep pan with cloves and green cardamom then remove them from water.
Now add rice, pineapple, half soaked saffron and mix well.
prepare rice
Then boil until cook.
cooked rice
Add lemon juice and pineapple essence into sugar syrup in a bowl and mix.
add lemon juice and pineapple essence in sugar syrup
Add cooked rice into sugar syrup mixture and mix well.
add cooked rice in syrup mixture
Now put this rice mixture in a serving bowl.
put rice in serving bowl
Add soaked saffron and garnish with ghee and saffron.
garnish the ready ananas ka muzaffar

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